Find a job in the US through American Job Centers
- November 22, 2021
American Job Centers offer assistance for job seekers, as well as career training and advice.
American Job Centers (AJCs) are spaces that provide assistance, training referrals, job listings, and more for job seekers. They have about 2,400 physical centers, however, it is also possible to contract with these centers through the internet.
In the following link you can find by city, state or ZIP Code, the AJCs closest to your location:

AJCs are equipped with computers, printers, telephones and even fax machines, available for job searches. Generally, AJCs offer workshops on basic computer skills, resume writing, among others.
In addition, they have special employment programs for age groups, for example, for veterans, for young people 21 and under, or for people with disabilities.
There are two types of AJCs: Comprehensive AJCs or Comprehensive AJCs and Affiliate AJCs. The former provide complete services such as training for workers and companies, on the other hand, the latter provide limited services and some training for employers and workers.