Chicanos Por La Causa Launches Campaign to Promote the Latino Vote in Arizona
- May 13, 2022
Chicanos Por La Causa announced the launch of a $10 million campaign to promote the Latino vote in Arizona's midterm elections.
Chicanos Por La Causa announced the investment of 10 million dollars in its non-partisan campaign Get Out The Vote, which seeks to promote the participation of the Latino community in Arizona during the upcoming elections in the state.
“Part of this is getting more Latinos to register to vote and also getting people who are already on the voter rolls, who may not have voted in the last or previous general elections, encouraged to vote,” explained Joe Garcia, vice president of public policy for Chicanos Por La Causa.

In this way, the campaign seeks to motivate Latinos who have not registered to vote, to get involved in decision-making in their community. The strategies include traditional and digital media, with a strong presence in social networks. Chicanos Por la Causa was able to partner with various local organizations that work for community involvement, such as Mi Familia Vota and Promise Arizona.
Garcia also explained that the Latino population eligible to vote represents approximately 26.3% of all voters. However, participation in the last midterm elections registered only 14% of Latino votes.
In this sense, one of the objectives of the campaign is to increase that percentage by at least two points, to achieve 16% of Latino votes, it will be necessary for at least 52,000 more Latinos to vote than in the last election.
On the other hand, David Adame, executive director of Chicanos Por La Causa, explained that immigration is an important issue, however, there are other equally relevant issues for the Latino community in Arizona and in the United States, such as medical care, security in neighborhoods and education.
Similarly, the organization explained that the initiative seeks to be replicated in other states such as Nevada or California.
If you live in Arizona and are eligible to vote, you can register at the following link: The elections will be on November 2, 2022.