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Acceso Latino

Conoce las plataformas especializadas para buscar trabajo en Estados Unidos

Getting a job in the United States as an immigrant can present some difficulties related to visa procedures, work permits, among others, however, to search for vacancies there are specialized sites that facilitate this task.

Foreign nationals seeking employment in the United States almost always require the sponsorship of an employer in order to obtain a work visa and employment authorization. Similarly, certain non-citizens in the United States require an EAD to work legally, for example, Deferred Action (DACA) recipients. Instead, Green Card holders do not require EADs like US citizens.

In this sense, various Internet portals facilitate the search for jobs in the United States both for immigrants who already live there and for foreign workers who seek to emigrate through work. Sites specializing in job search or professional profiles allow employers to contact their potential employees.

One of the most popular job search sites in the world is Indeed. It is an easy-to-use platform, with the option to apply various filters to specify searches. For example, it is possible to search for openings by type of work (full time, part time, remote work, among others), by location, benefits and more.

In addition, this platform allows you to save jobs of interest to the user, as well as set alerts on available vacancies. Another feature of Indeed is that the employer can contact and establish communication with potential employees through the site. Likewise, users can upload their resume and allow employers to consult it.

Another great option for job search in the United States is Linkedin a professional social network, ideal for networking and connecting with potential employers and recruiters. This social network is basically a great professional directory, ideal for recruiting companies or employers to directly carry out searches to fill their vacancies.

Similar to Indeed, it is possible to set alerts on new jobs available. However, one of its most important features is the possibility of including complete and updated information in the profiles, such as education, experience, skills, recommendations, among others. Therefore, it is recommended that profiles be complete and include accurate information to achieve greater visibility for employers.

AngelList is another platform for job search in the United States. This platform is focused on emerging companies in search of talent and provides detailed information about employers such as salary ranges, possibility of remote work, location of the vacancy. This option is very useful, since the platform is designed to facilitate contact and communication between startups and their potential workers.

Finally, there is Glassdoor a platform with a large database of employers and job reviews. The focus of this platform is transparency, since it shows relevant data of each company such as its work culture, salaries, and reviews of other employees and former employees. Also, like the previous options, it is possible to create a detailed professional profile to improve the search experience for employers.

This site has more than 54 million monthly visitors, which makes it a good option for job search.


Formalities, Procedures and Permits

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