Para trabajar en Estados Unidos existen diferentes tipos de visa, que son diferentes para cada situación y tipo de trabajo.
El gobierno de Estados Unidos, entrega cada año cientos de miles de visas de trabajo para inmigrantes. Existe una gran diversidad de visas para trabajar en el país y que los trabajadores extranjeros puedan ocupar un lugar en la fuerza laboral, aunque sea por un periodo corto de tiempo.
One of the most common visas for workers is the H-1B, for professionals with specialized jobs. This category applies to workers who will provide services in a specialized field that requires certain skills and merits. More than 66,000 such visas were issued in 2021.
Esta visa se divide en tres categorías:
- H-1B Specialized Jobs: Requiring the theoretical and practical application of specialized knowledge. For this, it is necessary to have a higher degree in the specific specialization or its equivalent in the United States. A college degree or higher is required to apply. In addition, it requires a request for employment status through the formulario I-129.
- H-1B2 Investigator and Development Project Workers of the United States Department of Defense (DOD): Like the previous category, it requires a specialized degree valid in the United States, as well as details about the research project.
- H-1B3 Haute Couture Model: Exclusive visas for high fashion models with potential employers in the United States. In the same way, the I-129 form is necessary.
Este tipo de visas admite a los trabajadores en el país por hasta tres años, el plazo puede ser extendido, pero no puede sobrepasar los seis años. El corso de estas visas es de 190 dólares.
Otra de las categorías más populares y con menores requisitos para trabajadores temporales son las H-2A y H-2B. Para estos trabajos estacionales, no es necesario contar con experiencia o con un título profesional. Cada año se otorgan más de 200 mil visas en estas categorías.
H-2A visas correspond to agricultural workers and H-2B for non-agricultural workers. Both visas have a duration of one year, but it is possible to request up to two extensions.
There is another similar category, the H-3 that allows foreign workers to enter and live temporarily in the country while they receive training of any kind, except postgraduate courses related to medicine. Or for special education exchange visitors.
On the other hand, there are the TN visas, which are issued to workers from Mexico and Canada as part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This visa is only issued to people who work in professions established by said treaty, and also have a job offer from an employer.
Its duration is three years, however, it can be renewed unlimitedly as long as the employment relationship between both parties is in force.
Finalmente están las visas O-1, Personas con Habilidades o Logros Extraordinarios, que como lo dice su nombre se entrega a personas con habilidades sobresalientes en ciencia, arte, educación, negocios o deporte. Existen subclasificaciones para:
- O-1A: Science, Education, Business, and Athletics:
- O-1B: For people with skills in the film and television industry
- O-2: People accompanying artists or athletes: O-2
- O-3: And for spouse or children of classifications O-1 and O-2: O-3