People born in the United States of Mexican parents have, by law, the right to Mexican nationality. Similarly, foreign-born Americans acquire citizenship through their parents.
To obtain dual nationality, Mexican and American, it is necessary to carry out the birth registration to obtain the Mexican birth certificate, this in case of being a US citizen. By completing this procedure to obtain Mexican nationality, they retain US nationality.
In the case of Mexicans born abroad, who access nationality through their parents, the requirements are as follows:
- Fill out the birth registration application available at the Mexican consulates in the US:
- Present original of the following documents:
- Birth certificate of the person to be registered.
- Parents' birth certificate.
- Valid official identification of the parents.
- Go to the registry with two witnesses over 18 years of age with valid official identification.
To make an appointment, call Mexitel or go to their website: 1 877 639 4835 or
On the other hand, a person can obtain US citizenship through birth in the country, US father or mother, or through naturalization.
For example, a person born in Mexico, of American parents can process dual citizenship. This is done at the US consulates or embassies in Mexico by requesting a report. For example, a person born in Mexico, of American parents, can process dual nationality.
Consult the map with the locations of the embassy, consulates and consular agencies and more information about this process at: