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Acceso Latino

Who benefits Ciudadanízate?

Ciudadanízate is an educational and support platform that is part of the Acceso Latino services. It is designed to provide information to the immigrant community in the United States seeking citizenship.

Ciudadanízate offers preparation content to obtain US citizenship, however, it is aimed at people who have: Permanent residence /Green Card holders of at least five years, permanent residence of at least three years and are also married to a ( a) United States citizen.

That is, people who have the requirements of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), to obtain citizenship by naturalization. Another requirement is to be 18 years old at the time of filling out the N-400 form.

Ciudadanízate, provides support so that people with Green Card / Permanent Residence can obtain US citizenship in a simple way, by taking a series of preparation courses for the process.

It offers 15 downloadable content, about eligibility, the official form that the applicant must fill out, the required documentation, information about the interview, frequently asked questions, among others. In addition to explanatory videos on each topic.

Enter Ciudadanízate, complete your registration and learn how simple the citizenship process can be thanks to these tools. https://ciudadanizate.accesolatino.org/