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Learn about the five best cities to study in the US.

QS Best Student Cities 2023, is a ranking that shows the best cities to study around the world.

The QS ranking of the best cities for students, or QS Best Student Cities, is an annual ranking published by the British educational consultancy Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). This ranking evaluates the best cities in the world for university students based on various factors, such as quality of life, cultural diversity, cost of living, accessibility to transportation, academic environment, and educational offerings.

The QS Best Student Cities is based on a methodology that uses a series of indicators to assess the quality of life and accessibility for international students in each city. These indicators include the number of renowned universities, the number of international students in each city, the cost of living, and the ease of finding a job after graduation.

This ranking is a useful tool for students considering studying abroad, as it gives them an idea of the best cities in the world to study and live as an international student.

Below, we show you the five best-ranked cities in the United States in the QS Best Student Cities 2023:

In 18th place, New York appears, the second best positioned. Despite being a city with high rental costs and high tuition fees at universities, there are other factors that position New York as an ideal city for students. For example, the various work centers related to culture, business, finance and the media. Likewise, it is an ethnically diverse city with offers of accessible cultural activities.

The third best city for students in the United States is San Francisco, which also ranks 27th overall. In addition to having highly prestigious universities such as Stanford and UC Berkeley, San Francisco offers a great quality of life and with much more affordable costs than other cities such as New York or Los Angeles. In addition, what distinguishes San Francisco from other cities is the importance of the technology sector, including leading companies such as Apple, Facebook or IBM.

In 30th position in the general ranking is the city of Los Angeles, which, despite its high cost of living, has a large number of financing programs and scholarships for students. In addition, it has great job opportunities in large industries such as entertainment, technology, commerce, design, and tourism.

Finalmente, en la quinta posición y número 40 a nivel global, se encuentra Chicago.  Esta ciudad cuenta con uno de los mejores sistemas de transporte público en Estados Unidos, lo que la hace ideal para estudiantes que no tienen auto o prefieren alternativas menos costosas. Asimismo, es una ciudad que cuenta con una gran cantidad de caminos para recorrer como peatón. En cuanto a oportunidades de trabajo, Chicago cuenta con el segundo centro de negocios más grande en Estados Unidos.


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