Centro La Familia offers bilingual legal advice for immigrants in California
- April 26, 2022
Centro La Familia was created as a project to offer legal services to immigrants who were left behind by Social Services due to the language barrier.
The La Familia Advocacy Services Center was founded 50 years ago in Fresno, with the aim of providing support to immigrants in filling out forms and translations for procedures in the United States. After knowing the benefit of this group of people, the county of Fresno decided to finance the project.
Currently, Centro La Familia offers various services in English, Spanish and Hmong, and brings its support to remote areas of Fresno County. In addition, they register more than 15,000 clients a year through their educational initiatives, outreach, workshops, events, health promotion, among others.

In this way, the center's actions focus on low-income monolingual or even bilingual families, who face economic and social challenges. So their attention is not only focused on migrant families
However, regarding immigration services, Centro La Familia has a Department of Immigration Services, which is recognized by the Department of Justice and the Office of Access to Legal Programs (DOJ-OLAP).
Immigration services include inquiries about immigration and status, assistance in applying for citizenship, renewal of Green Card, application and renewal of Deferred Action (DACA), family petitions, translation and review of documentation for procedures, among others.
Learn more here: https://www.centrolafamilia.org/es/servicios/#immigration-services
Centro La Familia, is established in California and has various locations that you can consult at the following link: https://www.centrolafamilia.org/es/contactenos/