Obtain your birth certificate through a simple online procedure.
At Acceso Latino we know how important it is to have identification documents for you and your family, for this reason we created the "Birth certificate for Mexicans" tool that you will find in our "Documents" subsection in the "Official Procedures" section.
By entering this card, you will find everything you need to print a certified copy of your birth certificate online, having this document is very important.
In most of the procedures they request documents such as the birth certificate with a minimum issuance date, for example, no more than three or six months. Take it into account at the time of this documentation process and take into account the exact date or period of time in which you will need it.
To start the online process of the birth certificate, it is necessary to have the Unique Population Registry Code (CURP). In the following link https://www.gob.mx/ActaNacimiento/ you can start the process, and once the CURP is entered, check that the data is correct.
In case the data is incorrect, to resolve this situation ask a relative or acquaintance to go to the civil registry offices where you were registered. In addition, you can go to the consulate to receive support and advice in this type of procedure.
Subsequently you must pay with a charge to your credit or debit card or other available forms of payment and you will automatically obtain a certified digital copy of your certificate that you can print on a white letter size sheet.
Mexican men and women born abroad and have been registered in Mexico can also obtain their Internet certificate through the same portal.
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