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Information about temporary jobs in the United States

The United States Department of Labor offers different temporary employment visa programs for foreign workers and a platform to search for vacancies.

The Department of Labor (DOL) through the portal Seasonal Jobs (https://seasonaljobs.dol.gov), publishes temporary jobs in various fields of work, such as agriculture, construction, food, restaurants, nature conservation , among others.

Through this portal it is possible to search for temporary jobs according to the location chosen by the user. You only need to enter the city, state or zip code. Or search by job title, employer name, or industry.

The companies registered on this platform have the foreign labor certification accredited by the DOL. Said department issues labor certifications for permanent and temporary jobs under different programs:

  • Permanent labor certification
  • H-1B Skilled Workers (Professionals)
  • H-2A temporary work certification (seasonal agriculture)
  • H-2B temporary labor certification (non-agricultural)
  • D-1 Crew Certification
  • CW-1 nonimmigrant visa program

These programs are designed so that foreign workers obtain temporary and in some cases permanent work permits in the United States, without affecting the working conditions of national workers. See more information about the programs and visas they offer at the following link: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/foreign-labor/programs

These programs offer employment-based visas through the DOL, however, there are employment-based visas that do not need to obtain certification from this department but from the Department of State. More information at http://travel.state.go or https://www.uscis.gov/