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Learn about the functions of the Mexican Consulates in the United States

Mexico has multiple consulates in the United States whose main task is to safeguard the rights and integrity of the people of the Mexicans who live there.

Los consulados y las Embajadas son las representaciones del Gobierno de México en el extranjero y son dirigidas por la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE). En Estados Unidos, México cuenta con una Red Consular de 51 consulados, los cuales cumplen funciones de suma importancia para los y las mexicanas que radican ahí. Por ejemplo, en un consulado es posible realizar trámites de documentación para obtener pasaporte, matrícula consular, credencial de elector, acta de nacimiento, acta de matrimonio, poderes notariales, cartillas militares, entre otros documentos.

Likewise, the Mexican foreign service, represented by the officials of the Consular Network, is in charge of protecting Mexicans abroad. The support they provide in terms of consular protection includes monitoring due process of law, avoiding unwarranted damages and checking that no injustices or discriminatory acts are committed by foreign authorities.

Similarly, the Consulates General offer community care, such as the health window or financial window programs. They also provide cultural, economic development, education, leadership training and community empowerment programs.

In this sense, the Consulates can guide nationals abroad on immigration, human rights, criminal, administrative, labor and family matters. In such a way that some of the most useful consular services are advice and accompaniment to provide data on a professional in migratory and legal matters, provide data and information on doctors and hostels, accompaniment in case of being a victim of a crime.

However, there are certain situations that are outside the scope of a Consulate or Embassy. For example, the services offered by the Consular Network cannot achieve the release of a Mexican person in the event of having committed a crime, nor are they capable of regularizing the immigration status of undocumented Mexicans in the United States, or advocating for the entry of a national to the United States, among other situations that remain outside the scope of consular services.

In the case of localities whose closest consulates are several miles away, the Consular Network usually holds mobile consulate sessions. Mobile consulates bring consular services such as documentation procedures to remote locations that have a Mexican population.

Come to your nearest consulate and discover its services!

Here we leave you the complete list of consulates in the United States.

Here the emergency telephone numbers of each consulate in the United States.

