Learn about the UndocuAmerica autobiographical monologues project
- December 1, 2022
UndocuAmerica is a project that seeks to reflect a humanist vision of the challenges faced by undocumented immigrants in the United States.
UndocuAmerica is a project that seeks to reflect on the challenges faced by the undocumented community in the United States through the interruption of dehumanizing representations of immigrants. The project is an initiative of Motus Theater, a Colorado theater that uses theater to facilitate dialogue on relevant issues of our times.

Motus worked with undocumented leaders to create stories about their lives in the form of monologues, which are promoted through theater, podcasts and other media to spread the message. The elected leaders are DACA beneficiaries, they include in their monologues topics that they experienced related to the threat of deportation, social injustice, border patrol, threats to human and civil rights, racial discrimination, among others.
The Dreamers initially presented their monologues at various cultural venues in Colorado and invited members of faith communities, legislators, public officials, business leaders, and others to read their stories and discuss the experiences of undocumented immigrants.
“Standing alongside these young people and reading their stories was moving for all of us and powerful for the audience… Barriers were broken, relationships were formed and mutual respect was established,” said Boulder County, Colorado Sheriff Joe Pelle.
Likewise, the monologues were exhibited at events such as the National Immigration Integration Conference (NIIC) and the Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees Conference (GCIR). In the same way, as mentioned above, the project initiative has crossed the border of the theater and has allowed it to be transmitted through podcasts, murals and short films.
Learn more: https://www.motustheater.org/undocuamerica