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Acceso Latino

Los derechos de los migrantes

El portal “Persona migrante, el Plan es tener un Plan”; ofrece recomendaciones sobre quejas ante la CNDH y contenido informativo sobre cómo tramitar la doble nacionalidad.

Consulta información de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH), sobre el portal "Migrant person, the Plan is to have a Plan"; recommendations on complaints to the CNDH; and informative content on how to process dual citizenship.

The CNDH created the internet portal http://migrantes.cndh.org.mx/index.html Migrant person, the Plan is to have a Plan ”in order to help fellow citizens in the United States and in Mexico.

Likewise, the National Human Rights Commission has an online mailbox, where you can report a violation of your human rights to the competent authority. To carry out this action we leave you the following link, https://atencionciudadana.cndh.org.mx/. You must register before filing the complaint so that you can receive notifications about updates on the case.

You will also find a guide to process dual citizenship from the United States. Remember that the Constitution gives you the right to have two nationalities, and that being a North American citizen does not take away your Mexican nationality.

Estas herramientas tienen el fin de que tengas mejor información como migrante en EE.UU. o en México, si te encuentras de paso.

