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Acceso Latino

Compensation for Accidents for migrants

Undocumented immigrants have the right to seek professional legal support in the event of an accident on or off the job. They may even receive compensation for damages.

Undocumented immigrants have the right to seek professional legal support in the event of an accident on or off the job. They may even receive compensation for damages. 

However, this does not happen, even in the event of an accident, undocumented migrants are entitled to compensation, including medical expenses, property damage, among others. The most common types of accidents or situations are car accidents, medical malpractice, or defective products.

As for accidents at work, it is also possible to obtain compensation. Laws on workers' compensation vary depending on what state you are in. However, in states like New York, it is recognized that all workers deserve adequate compensation when they are injured on the job.

In the event of an accident at work, undocumented workers have the same rights, which is why they deserve workers' compensation. In this case it is better to seek legal advice, rather than establish agreements with your employer or your direct boss. However, you are not required to hire a team of attorneys or file a workers' compensation claim. However, you do have the option of obtaining a free consultation to assess the severity and value of your case.

In these cases it is important that you do not agree to receive cash payments from the employer as part of an alleged compensation. The important thing is to obtain it legally.