The importance of Dreamer Centers in US universities.
- April 28, 2023
The Centers for Dreamers play a critical role in supporting the academic and personal success of undocumented students in higher education.
The Dreamers Resource Centers (DRC) or Resource Centers for Dreamers are offices or specialized centers located on the university campuses of various universities in the United States. These centers offer resources and support services to undocumented students or Dreamers. The DRCs aim to provide a safe and inclusive space for Dreamers to access academic, financial, legal resources, and support services.
DRCs typically offer a wide range of services, including academic advising, tutoring, counseling, legal services, and financial assistance. They also help students navigate the complex landscape of immigration policy so that they are aware of their alternatives and opportunities.

In addition, DRCs often have a wide range of services to support undocumented students through college, including academic advising, tutoring, career development, counseling, legal services, and financial assistance. DRC staff can also help students with college admissions, provide scholarship opportunities, and help them fill out their applications.
In addition to the academic and professional benefits that DRCs offer, they are also a fundamental pillar in creating a sense of community on college campuses in the United States. For example, they usually hold cultural and social events that favor the creation of social and professional relationships.
Some examples of DRCs are:
- Undocumented Student Services de la Universidad de California, Los Ángeles (UCLA)
- Dream Resource Center en la Universidad Estatal de California, Fullerton
- Dream Center de la Universidad de Utah.
Currently, there are more than 200 DRCs located on college campuses across the United States. These centers play a critical role in supporting the academic and personal success of Dreamers, especially those who experience the most difficulties in their college life.