Dreamers Moms is an organization founded by Yolanda Varona, who was deported from the United States and separated from her family in 2011.
In 2011, Yolanda Varona was deported after immigration agents at the San Ysidro border crossing discovered that she had been living in the United States illegally. After being separated from her children, who remained in the United States, the now activist returned to Taxco, Guerrero, where she is from. She stayed there for two years, and then returned to Tijuana where she founded Madres Soñadoras Internacional Dreamers Moms USA / Tijuana.
His collective managed to bring together deported mothers from various states of Mexico such as San Luis, State of Mexico and Sonora. The objective of this organization is to make deported mothers with US citizen children or Dreamers more visible, as well as to promote fairer laws in the US immigration system.
The organization holds weekly meetings at the Deported Veterans Support House in the city of Tijuana, where they offer support to mothers who have been separated from their families. Previously, every third Sunday of the month, the dreaming mothers met with their lawyers to receive free immigration legal advice and explore what the options were for each one to be able to return to their families in the United States.
Thanks to the support of the organization, five mothers have managed to return to the United States through various permits such as humanitarian requests or U visas, for victims of criminal acts. The last of these mothers was precisely its founder Yolanda Varona, who was recently able to meet her daughter, whom she had not been able to hug in almost 12 years.
Learn more about their work at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/Madres-so%C3%B1adoras-Internacional-DREAMers-Moms-UsaTijuana-AC-756563004375991/
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