The state of California has financial support programs for students, which consider dreamers, authorized immigrants and citizens.
California students can access support such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is a federal stimulus for citizen and permanent resident students. On the other hand, for undocumented students there is the California Dream Act Application (CADAA).
The requirements for FAFSA are: have completed high school, be enrolled or have been accepted in a university program, be a citizen or resident. Documents such as tax returns, and proof of income of the student or her parents are also necessary. Learn more about this support the following link:
CADAA is the alternative financing program for college students in California. This program considers dreamers, beneficiaries of Deferred Action (DACA) and Temporary Protection (TPS) who meet the established requirements.
The requirements are:
- Have attended high school in California for at least three years.
- Be a graduate of an in-state high school
- Have been accepted at a university that qualifies for the program in the following link are the eligible universities:
Learn more about this financial support for students without documents in the following links: